Saturday, December 27, 2008

Why The Fat Acceptance Movement Must Focus On Sex

Time was when I thought the movement for size acceptance was doing a relatively decent job at getting the message out. There was considerable attention given to important issues such as health, job discrimination, social stereotyping & inequality, prejudice, intolerance, and so on. It seemed as though the big girls of the world, and indeed the big men as well, were going to continue organizing in such ways as to bring about a real revolution in the realm of social consciousness. Sadly, it hasn’t happened. Even worse, the movement has virtually faded from the scene as I write these words in December of 2008. What happened? Where are the groups and organizations involved in true activism and social criticism on levels that actually have hope of making an impact? They all seem to have retreated from the fight.

Well, it’s obvious to this reporter that their impotence stems from the fact that these mainstream attempts to open the world’s eyes and ears to the realities of the Fat Community neglected one vital aspect of the issue, in fact, the most important one. They refused to focus on sex. Almost every online article, almost every initiative being pushed in any legislative forum whatsoever seemed to come from a rather apologetic and just plain wimpy perspective. Such declarations always read as more or less an admission of guilt. ‘Yes, I’m fat,’ they seemed to whine, ‘but I’m still a good person.’ You can almost hear the thousands of tiny violins playing! When is the last time you ever knew of someone who got what they wanted by begging? It may happen on occasion, but as a formula for success, forget it. The only way to get what we want in life is with attitude. And this is where the arena of sex becomes the arena through which the entire movement may find its wings.

Big girls find their sexual selves as a result of one crucial thing happening in their lives. They discover the liberating power of ‘Fuck it!’ They learn that when they simply step out and flaunt what they’ve got with no concern for what anybody else thinks, good things start to happen. They learn that everything they wanted in life was already there, and that it didn’t have a damn thing to do with their being fat. It had to do with fear, fear of the opinions of others. They learn that when they get up and dress like beautiful women and act like beautiful women, that they become even more alluring and sexy than all those little skinny girls of whom they used to be so jealous. And what happens next to our voluptuous sex kittens? Their lives on every level are opened up to abundance. What about men? Men find our big beautiful babes so hot and sexy that many of them begin to reevaluate life-long attitudes about their skinny girl preferences, and the next thing you know, change is in the wind. The woman that felt ashamed when she appeared at work each day, certain that all her co-workers were laughing at her behind her back puts them all in their places when she dons her hot, sexy dress and high heels, applies her nightclub makeup and struts into that office like the powerhouse tigress that she is, instantly transforming the women’s thoughts to jealousy and the men’s to open-mouthed shock and awe. She’ll be asked out more than once before the day is out.

The idea in all this is that being sexy makes us confident. When you know people are thinking ‘she’s hot’ when they look at you, you’re going to have no problems dealing with the other issues in your life. Sexuality is attractive. It is empowering. It makes others look at us in a positive light. It makes for acceptance instead of rejection, and this is the base point of all the miseries in the lives of big women, i. e., rejection. So, if you’re looking to discover positive change in every aspect of your life, go for maximum sexy! Hotties always get what they want. You just didn’t know that you were one. Until now. Now get out there and fuck somebody’s shit up!


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