Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Defining The BBW Lifestyle

Happily, we are witnessing a period of growth in the world of Big Girl Mania. The number of new web sites featuring beautiful fat girls seems to increase incrementally on a weekly basis. All this, of course, is much to my delight, as it is to the dedicated legion of Chubby-Lovers out there as well. The realization that big girls are the hottest, sexiest women on the planet is catching fire around the world, leaving those of us who’ve known all along to ponder the question: What took you so long? This phenomenon of Big Girl As Sex Goddess has also spawned what has come to be known as the BBW Lifestyle, or Size Acceptance Movement, promoting socio-political forms of activism geared toward a more mainstream acceptance of ‘people of size.’ The spirit of this movement represents an evolution from the original concept of the acronym ‘BBW, as it first appeared in a publication called ‘BBW Magazine’ way back in 1979. As many of you may know, BBW Mag was also aimed at mainstream acceptance for big women and had no connection whatsoever with the adult industry. Indeed, it functioned as a sort of ‘Cosmopolitan for Big Girls.’ But along the way, a curious development has taken place. The acronym ‘BBW’ and the moniker ‘Big Beautiful Woman’ have come to be appropriated by the adult industry for the identification of big beautiful adult models, a fact which has not only engendered some confusion, but has stirred up a bit of a hornet’s nest in the process.

The confusion, of course, lies in the fact that the label ‘BBW’ continues to function in both worlds, which, in the main, causes some confusion when it comes to internet searches, model listings, blogs and directories, etc. In my opinion, this ‘confusion’ is of such a trivial nature as to be scarcely worth mentioning. As one who has lived in the world of fat chicks for years, I must tell you that I’ve never had this particular brand of confusion cause me even the slightest bit of trouble. Admittedly, however, my involvement is primarily on the adult side of the issue, and it is true that for those seeking the more ‘Cosmopolitan’ types of web sites, blogs, etc. there are now certainly more porn listings to wade through in search of the designated target. Even so, again I must insist that it’s just not that big a deal.

The bigger problem comes with the resentment the original BBW coterie has for the adult industry usurpers. They have very strong feelings about the perceived degradation laid upon their doorstep via this cross-association with the ‘pornos & perverts.’ The enmity thus created between the two camps is the source of the great majority of negativity in the BBW world overall, porn or wholesome variety notwithstanding. Obviously, the wholesome group would be ecstatic to get their label back and have the pornos move on the some other form of designation. Well, we can understand their feeling that way, but realistically it ain’t gonna happen. The simple solution then is to draw a clear line of separation between the designations ‘BBW Lifestyle’ and ‘Size Acceptance Movement.’ Since the Size Acceptance Movement is actively embracing the agendas set forth from the beginning by BBW Magazine it seems only natural that the group championing these agendas drop the association with ‘BBW’ at least to the extent that the phrase ‘BBW Lifestyle’ designate the sexual aspects of the big girl’s world, and let ‘Size Acceptance Movement’ designate the set of larger overall issues within the Fat Community as a whole. In this way, all connections with the adult industry may fall under the province of the one designation, and never be confused with connections to the other.

So am I saying that only girls involved in the adult industry qualify as those living the BBW Lifestyle? Not at all. But I am saying that the focus of the designation should be on the sexuality of the big beautiful woman, and for the most part, to issues that proceed from it. Well, it’s just a suggestion, and one that I’m sure will fall entirely upon deaf ears. Such simple and effective solutions to problems always do. But at least it will be understood that when you come here, you will encounter no confusion whatsoever. You will have entered into the fabulous realm of the
Big Girl who's smokin' HOT. After all, it's her turf.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Diet Commercials: The Biggest Scams Of Them All

I think I’m losing my mind. I’ve still never seen Constantine with Keanu Reeves all the way through, and even though it’s only the TV version with a thousand and one edits, no doubt, I’d still like to see it, so I’ll know if I really want to see it, you know? Like is it cool enough to warrant renting or whatever. Anyway, the goddamn thing is littered so profusely with commercials that it’s making me nuts, but when the 5th diet commercial lands within the first hour (this one for Xenadrine, which supposedly just got recalled...again) I lost it. Fuck Constantine, Fuck the programming execs, but most of all, Fuck the commercial media that insists on perpetuating this hideous myth, the myth of the 'giggly skinny girl.' What's she so happy about, anyway? She looks like a coat hanger in a bikini, for Chrissakes. This is not a good look, ladies, regardless of how the propaganda reads. To begin with, in all these before and after deals the girls always look far better before than they do after. Why? Because 'before,' they looked like women, not like boob jobs on a stick. By the way, I heard they’re gonna do a fast food chain based on this stereotype. Yep, Boob Jobs on a Stick is coming to a food court near you. You go to the counter and order and they bring you two balloons filled with silicon mounted on a long straw so you can save a little time and just drink the shit down, thus allowing your system to absorb it immediately instead of slowly over time. OK, sorry, I'm just pissed. You don't really drink it. You pretend it's a full-length mirror and stand there like an idiot admiring the hideous monument to grotesque deformity that's staring back at you! Yeah, that's it. (Actually, I have nothing against boob jobs. I just hate them when they’re attached to pipe cleaners. They look so natural, y’know. Feh!)

What really eats me, though, is the dumb smiles and retarded giggling these girls always engage in once they've become 'after' girls. Like everything's wonderful now, right? Well, we all know better. It’s the big girls that get all the action. They’re better in bed, far sexier, more deliciously aggressive, and just plain HOTTER than any of these pathetic little pencil-legs. The best part, though, is the way each one of these commercials—without exception—throws up the disclaimer in wee, tiny little print at the bottom of the screen. ‘Results not typical.’ Not typical? Duh. Are all these stupid women so fucking desperate to become twigs that they really believe anyone lost 80 lbs. in 3 days? The whole thing’s absurd. These companies are just there to make millions off the ‘thin obsessives’ out there who still haven’t heard the news. Well, here it is: ‘Fat is Where It’s At,’ girls. And if you knew how hot you could be if you started getting back to your dedicated fast food regimen, you’d give up this media-driven, sociological hood-winking in a big hurry. So, if you're chubby, don't go on some ridiculous diet that will make you mental and that you know you'll never be able to stick with. Put on a smokin' mini-skirt, a low-cut top, some killer high heels and get the hell out of the house. You'll be sharing the company of an attractive young stud in no time. Then, the two of you can go have a nice, filling dinner!